Free Online Patient Care Courses

Deepen your healthcare expertise with patient care courses. These courses will teach you effective communication, clinical procedures, and ethical considerations. A patient care course is invaluable for healthcare professionals.

51 Patient Care Courses

Prepare for the EMT Certification Test

University of Colorado System

Prepare for the EMT Certification Test course provides comprehensive preparation for the NREMT exam, focusing on real-life application of knowledge and skills, peer...

Reign of Pain

Michigan State University

Reign of Pain offers a comprehensive understanding of chronic pain and its associated conditions. Dive deep into the mind-body connection and explore emerging therapies,...

Responsible Medication Prescribing for Older Adults

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

This course equips healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills to ensure safe and appropriate medication prescribing for older adults, addressing the...

School Health for Children and Adolescents

University of Colorado System

School Health for Children and Adolescents focuses on equipping learners with the skills to manage common health and behavior conditions in the school setting, promoting...

The Emergence of Oncofertility (Past, Present & Future)

Michigan State University & Oncofertility Consortium

Explore the emerging field of oncofertility at the intersection of oncology and reproductive medicine, providing effective fertility options to young cancer patients....

The Integration of Art and Science in Modern Dental Medicine

University of Pennsylvania

The Integration of Art and Science in Modern Dental Medicine explores the interprofessional relationship between dentistry and medicine, covering oral health's systemic...

Traditional herbal medicine in supportive cancer care: From alternative to integrative

Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

Traditional herbal medicine in supportive cancer care: From alternative to integrative. Explore integrative oncology, herbal medicine, and patient-centered communication...

Trauma Emergencies and Care

University of Colorado System

Trauma Emergencies and Care provides comprehensive training on trauma assessment, management, and specific injury types, including mass casualty incidents. Gain...

Troubles du spectre de l'autisme : biologie et neurosciences

University of Geneva

Troubles du spectre de l'autisme : biologie et neurosciences is an in-depth exploration of autism's biological and neurological aspects. The course delves into genetic...

Understanding Prostate Cancer

Johns Hopkins University

Understanding Prostate Cancer provides a comprehensive overview of the biology, diagnosis, staging, and treatment of prostate cancer, offering essential knowledge...

Value-Based Care: Managing Processes to Improve Outcomes

University of Houston

Value-Based Care: Managing Processes to Improve Outcomes

Visualizing the Living Body: Diagnostic Imaging

Yale University

Visualizing the Living Body: Diagnostic Imaging offers comprehensive insight into the principles and applications of diagnostic imaging, encompassing radiography,...

Wilderness First Aid

University of Colorado System

Wilderness First Aid is a specialized course focusing on medical care in nature. Learn to treat and prevent injuries and illnesses, and when to evacuate in remote...

Wilderness First Aid - Introduction

University of Colorado System

This course provides an introduction to wilderness first aid, covering essential skills such as patient assessment, spinal cord injury evaluation, and wilderness...

一堂課讓你認識肺癌(Basic Concepts of Lung Cancer: Diagnosis and Treatment)

National Taiwan University

一堂課讓你認識肺癌(Basic Concepts of Lung Cancer: Diagnosis and Treatment)是一門介紹肺癌相關知識的課程。