Free Online Political Science Courses

6 Political Science Courses

African American Studies

University of California, Los Angeles

An intensive introduction to African American political thought that focuses on major ideological trends and political philosophies as they have been applied and...

Capitalism: Success, Crisis and Reform

Yale University

In this course, we will seek to interpret capitalism using ideas from biological evolution: firms pursuing varied strategies and facing extinction when those strategies...

Geography of United States Elections

Stanford University

Led by Martin Lewis, this map-intensive course will explore the geography of US elections (both past and present), and challenge the suggestion that we are simply...

Politics, Strategy, and Game Theory

University of California, Los Angeles

This course is an introduction to study of strategic interaction in political applications. Use of game theory and other formal modeling strategies to understand...

Presidential Politics: Race, Class, Faith & Gender in the 2008 Election

Stanford University

The 2008 U.S. Presidential Election is unprecedented. The nomination process and ongoing campaigns have revealed the complexities of identity and its role in uniting...