
Coexistence in Medieval Spain: Jews, Christians, and Muslims

University of Colorado System

This course delves into the intricate intercultural relations in medieval Spain, encompassing the coexistence of Jews, Christians, and Muslims. It explores conflicts, collaborations, and the unique role of the Jewish community as political and cultural intermediaries. Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the complex historical dynamics that shaped the identities of Christian Hispania, Jewish Sefarad, and Islamic al-Andalus.

Throughout the course, learners will evaluate the origins and trajectory of conflicts between these communities, including the Muslim conquest of Spain, the Christian Reconquista, and the expulsions that marked this period. The course also offers insights into the tensions within communities, such as the conflicts between Christian Arian Visigoths and native Catholic Iberians.

By examining the historical processes that led to the creation and management of diverse communities, students will gain a profound appreciation for the collaborative and coexistent aspects of the medieval Spanish society. The Honors Track in this course employs an investigative process, guiding students through the critical analysis of events, people, places, and artifacts, enabling them to develop a comprehensive understanding of the historical context.

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Coexistence in Medieval Spain: Jews, Christians, and Muslims
Course Modules

This course is divided into five modules, each focusing on distinct historical periods in medieval Spain, from the Visigothic era to the creation of Catholic Spain. Students will explore the development of dynamic cultures, the forging of a Christian future, and the rejection of religious diversity, culminating in an evaluation of Iberia's past.

Introduction to Medieval Spain and Coexistence (418-711 CE)

MODULE 1: Introduction to Medieval Spain and Coexistence (418-711 CE)

  • Explore the historical context of medieval Spain from the Visigothic era to the Islamic conquest.
  • Evaluate the origins and trajectory of conflicts between Jewish, Christian, and Muslim communities.
  • Understand the tensions and collaborations that shaped the identities of Christian Hispania, Jewish Sefarad, and Islamic al-Andalus.


MODULE 2: Developing Dynamic Cultures: Islamic Al-Andalus and Jewish Sefarad (711-1212 CE)

  • Examine the Islamic conquest and settlement in Iberia and the development of Islamic al-Andalus.
  • Explore the cultural and artistic achievements of Islamic Spain and Jewish Sefarad during this period.
  • Understand the complexities of intercultural relations and the role of religion in shaping medieval Iberian society.

Forging A Christian Future: Christian Spain (711-1212 CE) and the Castilian Ascent In Spain (1212-1347 CE)

MODULE 3: Forging A Christian Future: Christian Spain (711-1212 CE) and the Castilian Ascent In Spain (1212-1347 CE)

  • Investigate the resurgent Christian kingdoms and the origins of the Reconquista in medieval Spain.
  • Explore the impact of the Crusades on the development of Christian Spain and the influence of King Alfonso X "The Wise."
  • Understand the legalities of coexistence and the challenges of governing diverse religious communities.

Creating Conversos and Rejecting Religious Diversity: Catholic Spain (1347-1502 CE)

MODULE 4: Creating Conversos and Rejecting Religious Diversity: Catholic Spain (1347-1502 CE)

  • Examine the transition from Islamic and Jewish Spain to Catholic Spain, including the impact of the Spanish Inquisition and the expulsion of Jews and Muslims.
  • Explore the formation of Catholic Spain and the cultural backlash against religious diversity.
  • Understand the historical events that led to the end of positive coexistence and the expulsion of religious minorities.

Interpreting Iberia's Past: Our Evaluation of the Evidence

MODULE 5: Interpreting Iberia's Past: Our Evaluation of the Evidence

  • Reflect on the historical evidence and evaluate the complex dynamics of medieval Iberian society.
  • Engage in critical analysis of the historical context and the impact of conflicts and collaborations on the development of diverse communities.
  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the historical processes that shaped the identities of Christian Hispania, Jewish Sefarad, and Islamic al-Andalus.
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