
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

The Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (commonly known as IIT Kanpur or IITK) is a public engineering institution located in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. It was declared to be Institute of National Importance by Government of India under IT Act. Established in 1959 as one of the first Indian Institutes of Technology, the institute was created with the assistance of a consortium of nine leading US research universities as part of the Kanpur Indo-American Programme (KIAP).

51 Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Courses

Mathematics - Calculus of Variations and Integral Equations

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Course Outliine: Calculus of Variations: . . . Integral Equations: . . .

Mathematics - Convex Optimization

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Course outline: Basic facts of maxima & minima & convex optimization, Important classes of convex optimization problems, Convex sets & convex functions,...

Mathematics - Foundations of Optimization

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

This course will deal with the fundamentals of optimization theory and algorithms. This course will be delivered for a wide audience consisting of science and engineering...

Mathematics - Linear programming and Extensions

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

The objective of this course is to introduce those real life problems which can be formulated as Linear Programming Problems ( LPP ). The course will be taught as...

Mechanical - Computer Aided Engineering Design

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Overview of CAD, CAD Applications, Solid Modeling: Wireframe, B-Rep, CSG approaches, Transformations and Projections, Mathematical representation of curves and surfaces,...

Money & Banking

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

This is an introductory course on Indian money and banking. It begins with a discussion on the functions of money, types of money and interest rates. Module 2 discusses...

Nuclear Physics Fundamentals and Application

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Nuclear Physics originated with Geiger and Marsden bombarding alpha particles on metal foils including gold, hundred years ago sometime in the year 1909. The hundred...

Plantwide Control of Chemical Processes

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

The issue of control structure selection, where the control system designer must make decisions as to what variables need to be controlled and the corresponding...

Population and Society

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

This course proposes to discuss the relationship between social processes and demographic transition in India. Therefore, it focuses on introducing the tools and...

Power System Operations and Control

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Course topics: Introduction (Characteristics of Modern Power Systems), Physical Structure, Operation and Control Functions and Hierarchies, Design and Operating...

Signals and System

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

What is Signal and System Theory? The black-box approach. Physical instances and their adaptation in the framework. Formal definition of 'signal' and 'system'. The...

Steel Making

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Introduction; The Science Base of Iron and Steelmaking; Modern Steelmaking I: Oxygen Steelmaking; Modern Steelmaking II: Electric Arc Furnace Steelmaking; Steelmaking:...