
Bacteria and Chronic Infections

University of Copenhagen

Bacteria and Chronic Infections is a comprehensive course offered by the University of Copenhagen, providing an in-depth understanding of microbiology and bacteriology related to chronic infections. The course delves into the fundamental concepts of single-cell bacteria, biofilm formation, and acute and chronic infections. Through a series of engaging modules, learners will gain insights into the properties of biofilms, the natural presence of bacteria and biofilms in the body, their role in chronic infections, diagnosis, treatment, and evolutionary perspectives.

Throughout the course, leading experts in the field share their knowledge, covering topics such as infection pathogenesis, chronic infections, host responses, and the diagnosis and treatment of chronic infections. Learners will also explore the evolutionary perspectives of biofilms and the adaptation of bacteria to chronic infections. Each module includes interactive quizzes and readings, enhancing the learning experience and reinforcing key concepts.

  • Gain an understanding of microbiology, bacteriology, and chronic infections
  • Explore the properties of biofilms and their role in chronic infections
  • Learn about the natural presence of bacteria and biofilms in the body
  • Discover the impact of bacteria and biofilms in chronic infections, diagnosis, and treatment
  • Gain insights into the evolutionary perspectives of biofilms and the adaptation of bacteria to chronic infections

Certificate Available ✔

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Bacteria and Chronic Infections
Course Modules

Bacteria and Chronic Infections provides a comprehensive exploration of microbiology, biofilm properties, the natural presence of bacteria and biofilms in the body, their role in chronic infections, diagnosis, treatment, and evolutionary perspectives.

Introduction to Bacteria and Infections

Module 1: This module introduces learners to the fundamentals of bacteria and infections, covering topics such as biofilm growing bacteria, infection pathogenesis, and the role of bacteria and biofilms in chronic infections. Interactive quizzes and readings enhance the learning experience, reinforcing key concepts.

Properties of Biofilms and Chronic Infections

Module 2: Gain insights into the properties of biofilms and their role in chronic infections, host responses, treatment failure, and persistency. Interactive quizzes and readings provide opportunities to reinforce learning.

Bacteria and biofilms as natural inhabitants of our body

Module 3: Explore the natural presence of bacteria and biofilms in the body, focusing on oral biofilms, skin microbiology, commensal biofilm gut flora, and their ubiquitous presence. Interactive quizzes and readings reinforce key concepts.

Bacteria and biofilms in chronic infections

Module 4: Delve into the impact of bacteria and biofilms in chronic infections, covering cystic fibrosis, chronic wounds, implants, tissue fillers, otitis media, and intravascular catheters. Interactive quizzes and readings enhance the learning experience.

Diagnosis and treatment of chronic infections

Module 5: Gain insights into the diagnosis and treatment of chronic infections, covering topics such as diagnosis of chronic infections, treatment approaches, and diagnosis in clinical practice. Interactive quizzes and readings reinforce key concepts.

The evolutionary perspectives of biofilms

Module 6: This module explores the evolutionary perspectives of biofilms, focusing on the adaptation of bacteria to chronic infections and the evolution in biofilms. Learners will also gain insights into community mentorship and related courses.

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