
Revisão Sistemática e Meta-análise

Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Embark on a transformative journey with the "Revisão Sistemática e Meta-análise" course offered by Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Dive into the intricacies of systematic review, distinguishing it from other studies, and unravel the key stages of structuring feasible questions, organizing evidence searches, reliable article selection, data collection, evidence quality assessment, synthesis, confidence attribution, and scientific dissemination.

Delivered through engaging videos and concise texts, the course offers exercises and tutoring to guide you effectively. Whether you aim to conduct a systematic review or enhance your understanding of scientific evidence, this course promises to revolutionize your approach. Gain insights from behind-the-scenes perspectives and leverage valuable tips to optimize your research endeavors.

  • Comprehensive understanding of systematic review
  • Distinguishing systematic review from other studies
  • Key stages of the systematic review process
  • Utilization of systematic review techniques for evidence evaluation
  • Insights for both novice and experienced researchers

Certificate Available ✔

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Revisão Sistemática e Meta-análise
Course Modules

This comprehensive course is structured into six modules, covering topics such as research questioning, study selection, data extraction, result synthesis, evidence evaluation, and publication. Dive deep into the intricacies of systematic review and meta-analysis to enhance your research skills and scientific understanding.

Pergunta da pesquisa

Welcome to the course "Revisão Sistemática e Meta-análise." Explore the fundamentals of systematic review, understanding its distinct stages, and the importance of structured research questions. Gain insights into the resources and skills required, and learn about the costs and institutions supporting the methodology.

Busca e seleção dos estudos

Delve into the process of searching and selecting studies, understanding the adequacy of methods, and the development of review protocols. Explore the nuances of search strategies, grey literature, and the viability of systematic reviews, all while learning from expert interviews and practical insights.

Extração e avaliação crítica dos estudos

Uncover the critical process of data extraction and evaluation. Understand the tools and techniques for data extraction, risk of bias assessment, and critical evaluation of various study types. Gain valuable insights from expert interviews in this module.

Síntese dos resultados

Explore the synthesis of results, including effect measures, meta-analysis techniques, investigation of heterogeneity, and the promotion of open science. Gain insights into result summarization, meta-analytical methods, and the impact of open science on research dissemination.

Avaliação das evidências produzidas

Learn about the evaluation of evidence using the GRADE system, quality factors, and the role of evidence in policy-making. Gain insights into factors affecting evidence confidence and the use of systematic reviews for decision-making. Explore expert interviews for deeper understanding.

Redação e publicação da revisão

Conclude your journey by understanding the process of review updating, addressing conflicts of interest, and the art of systematic review writing and publication. Gain insights from expert interviews and delve into the practical aspects of systematic reviews.

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