
The University of Edinburgh

The University of Edinburgh is one of the UK's oldest and most prestigious universities. It offers a wide range of undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral programs across disciplines including medicine, engineering, arts, and social sciences.

11 The University of Edinburgh Courses

Astrobiology and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life

The University of Edinburgh

Astrobiology and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life explores the origin and evolution of life and the quest for life beyond Earth.

Chicken Behaviour and Welfare

The University of Edinburgh

Chicken Behaviour and Welfare is a comprehensive course covering avian sensory perception, motivation, behaviour patterns, and welfare standards, suitable for both...

Climate Change: Carbon Capture and Storage

The University of Edinburgh

Climate Change: Carbon Capture and Storage course provides an in-depth understanding of CCS technology, its role in reducing carbon emissions, and its impact on...

Climate Solutions

The University of Edinburgh

Climate Solutions provides a comprehensive understanding of climate change and offers practical steps for addressing the crisis, empowering individuals to make a...

Digital Footprint

The University of Edinburgh

Discover the impact of your online presence and learn to manage your digital footprint effectively in this comprehensive course from the University of Edinburgh....

Football: More than a Game

The University of Edinburgh

Football: More than a Game delves into the multifaceted world of football, exploring its societal impact, financial intricacies, global reach, and historical significance,...

Intellectual Humility: Practice

The University of Edinburgh

Intellectual Humility: Practice is a course that explores the challenges of assessing trustworthiness, handling disagreements, and the role of evidence in resolving...

Philosophy and the Sciences: Introduction to the Philosophy of Physical Sciences

The University of Edinburgh

Explore the intersection of philosophy and physical sciences in this thought-provoking course. Gain insights into the origin of the universe, dark matter and energy,...

Philosophy, Science and Religion: Religion and Science

The University of Edinburgh

Philosophy, Science and Religion: Religion and Science is a thought-provoking exploration of the intersection of philosophy, science, and religion. Delve into the...

Sit Less, Get Active

The University of Edinburgh

Physical inactivity and sedentariness are addressed in the Sit Less, Get Active course. Improve your activity levels, set goals, and receive ongoing support to make...

Understanding Obesity

The University of Edinburgh

Understanding Obesity is a comprehensive course exploring the complexities of obesity, addressing misconceptions, and discussing the physiological and psychological...