
Introduction to Chemical Engineering XIII

Professor Channing Robertson of the Stanford University Chemical Engineering Department discusses scaling, focusing on dimensionless analysis.

Course Lectures
  • Professor Channing Robertson of the Stanford University Chemical Engineering Department gives an introductory lecture, outline, and background for the course.

  • The head TA for Introduction to Chemical Engineering (E20) fills in for Professor Channing Robertson and discusses the modern oil refinery, focusing upon the process and mechanisms behind refining crude oil.

  • Professor Channing Robertson of the Stanford University Chemical Engineering Department discusses units, comparing the different methods and systems of measuring different variables.

  • Professor Channing Robertson of the Stanford University Chemical Engineering Department discusses balancing equations and the conservation of mass in relation to process design.

  • Professor Channing Robertson of the Stanford University Chemical Engineering Department discusses the design and function of an apheresis machine.

  • The head TA for Introduction to Chemical Engineering (E20) fills in for Professor Channing Robertson and gives an overview of the apheresis machine.

  • The head TA for Introduction to Chemical Engineering (E20) fills in for Professor Channing Robinson and discusses a case study on the process of making high fructose corn syrup.

  • Professor Channing Robertson of the Stanford University Chemical Engineering Department discusses the development and design of a glucose isomerase plant used to make high fructose corn syrup.

  • Professor Channing Robertson of the Stanford University Chemical Engineering Department discusses the isomeriser and chemical reactions within a glucose isomerase plant.

  • Professor Channing Robertson of the Stanford University Chemical Engineering Department discusses energy conservation in relation to the high fructose corn syrup plant and chemical engineering.

  • Professor Channing Robertson of the Stanford University Chemical Engineering Department discusses energy conservation in further depth, focusing on the design of heat exchangers.

  • Professor Channing Robertson of the Stanford University Chemical Engineering Department discusses conduction and convection in association with a heat exchanger, as well as the actual design of the heat exchanger.

  • Professor Channing Robertson of the Stanford University Chemical Engineering Department discusses scaling, focusing on dimensionless analysis.

  • Professor Channing Robertson of the Stanford University Chemical Engineering Department continues his discussion on scaling by touching upon a pharmacokinetics problem.

  • Professor Channing Robertson of the Stanford University Chemical Engineering Department discusses pharmacokinetics by using a virtual human body as a model.

  • The head TA of Introduction to Chemical Engineering (E20) fills in for Professor Channing Robertson and discusses how to construct a pharmacokinetics model using a virtual human "tank" model.

  • Professor Channing Robertson of the Stanford University Chemical Engineering Department discusses biomedical engineering and the functions and anatomy of the kidney.

  • Professor Channing Robertson of the Stanford University Chemical Engineering Department discusses the functioning of the kidney, focusing upon the single nephron glomeruli filtration rate, SNGFR.

  • Professor Channing Robertson of the Stanford University Chemical Engineering Department discusses the functioning of a kidney dialysis machine and clinic.

  • Professor Channing Robertson of the Stanford University Chemical Engineering Department discusses the interactions between chemical engineering and the environment.