
Fundamentals of Flight mechanics


Embark on a captivating journey through the Fundamentals of Flight mechanics specialization. Gain a deep understanding of the aerodynamics and physics behind airplane flight, from takeoff to altitude control.

  • Learn about the impact of Mach number on stall speed and why turboprops consume less than turbojets.
  • Discover the precise functioning of flight instruments such as anemometers and altimeters.
  • Explore the foundational concepts of lift, drag, and propulsion, and their application to airplane trajectory.
  • Understand the relationship between thrust, speed, and altitude for propulsive balance and energy control.

With hands-on learning and practical applications, this specialization equips you with the knowledge to critically analyze flight accident reports and much more. Enroll now to take your understanding of flight mechanics to new heights.

Certificate Available ✔

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Fundamentals of Flight mechanics
Course Modules

Embark on a captivating journey through the Fundamentals of Flight mechanics specialization. From understanding aerodynamic forces to mastering altitude control, each module offers in-depth insights to elevate your knowledge of airplane physics.

Flight mechanics - The basis

Explore the foundational principles of flight mechanics, including how to describe an airplane's motion in the air and apply Newton's laws to compute its trajectory based on aerodynamic forces.

Flight Mechanics - Anemobarometry

Delve into the intricacies of anemobarometry, learning how to define the International Standard Atmosphere and position a flight point in terms of true airspeed, calibrated airspeed, Mach number, and altitude. Understand the basic functioning of flight instruments such as altimeters and airspeed indicators.

Flight mechanics - Lift and trajectory

Gain insights into lift coefficient, the relationship between angle of attack and speed, and the limitations of flight in terms of speed, altitude, and attitude. Understand the crucial factors that influence an airplane's trajectory and lift.

Flight mechanics - Propulsive balance and energy

Master the control of speed and altitude, and understand the relationship between thrust, speed, and altitude for propulsive balance and energy management. Gain the knowledge to effectively manage an airplane's propulsion and energy resources.

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