
Advanced App Development in Android Capstone

Imperial College London

Embark on an engaging journey with the Advanced App Development in Android Capstone. This project-based course invites learners to apply their knowledge from previous modules to create an immersive Android app featuring 3D graphics, sensor control, and virtual reality. Over the span of 4 assignments, you will delve into developing a virtual art gallery using Android Canvas drawing functions, enhancing it with OpenGL ES, making it interactive and immersive, and finally, creating your own VR gallery.

  • Develop an immersive Android app with 3D graphics, sensor control, and VR
  • Create a virtual art gallery using Android Canvas drawing functions
  • Enhance the gallery with OpenGL ES, interactive features, and VR technology
  • Combine creativity with knowledge gained from the preceding courses
  • Intended for learners with basic knowledge in Android app development seeking to delve into computer graphics and virtual reality

Certificate Available ✔

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Advanced App Development in Android Capstone
Course Modules

Embark on an engaging journey through four modules focused on advancing your skills in Android app development. From creating a virtual art gallery using Android Canvas drawing functions to developing your own VR gallery, this capstone project equips learners with practical expertise in 3D graphics, sensor control, and virtual reality.

Building your Virtual Gallery with Android Canvas Draw Functions

This module guides you in building your virtual gallery using Android Canvas drawing functions. It provides an overview of the capstone project, introduces the team, outlines the grading policy, and offers guidelines for the first assignment. You will learn about Android Canvas draw functions and undertake the task of building your virtual gallery.

Improving your Virtual Art Gallery with OpenGL ES

Enhance your virtual art gallery with OpenGL ES in this module. You will receive guidelines for the second assignment, learn about OpenGL ES through a cheat sheet, and undertake the task of improving your virtual art gallery with OpenGL ES.

Making your Virtual Art Gallery Interactive and Immersive

Explore making your virtual art gallery interactive and immersive in this module. It is divided into two parts, providing guidelines for the third assignment, illuminating lighting effects, texture mapping, and frame buffer through a cheat sheet, and guiding you through the process of making your virtual art gallery interactive and immersive.

Creating your own VR Gallery

This module sets the stage for creating your own VR gallery by introducing you to reading 3D files such as STL and OBJ files. You will also receive guidelines for the final assignment and embark on the task of creating your own virtual art gallery.

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