
Active Listening: Enhancing Communication Skills

Coursera Instructor Network

In workplace and personal interactions, mastering active listening is a crucial skill for effective communication and building meaningful relationships. The "Active Listening: Enhancing Communication Skills" course introduces learners to a range of techniques and strategies that empower them to become active listeners in various interpersonal contexts.

Throughout the course, participants will explore essential concepts like emotional intelligence, nonverbal communication, and cross-cultural considerations to become skilled listeners in both professional and personal settings. The course equips learners with actionable tools to become proficient active listeners, going beyond passively hearing words to involve empathetic engagement, understanding diverse perspectives, and responding thoughtfully.

  • Understand the fundamental principles of active listening and apply practical techniques to engage in meaningful conversations.
  • Recognize and interpret nonverbal cues to gather comprehensive insights during conversations.
  • Enhance relationships by refining active listening in challenging situations for effective conflict resolution.
  • Navigate cross-cultural communication considerations and demonstrate respectful listening to individuals from diverse backgrounds.

This course is designed for professionals, leaders, team members, customer service representatives, students, and anyone eager to develop active listening skills to excel in their personal and professional lives.

Certificate Available ✔

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Active Listening: Enhancing Communication Skills
Course Modules

This course comprises modules that cover a range of topics, including active listening principles, nonverbal communication, emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, and cross-cultural considerations, empowering learners to become proficient active listeners in various interpersonal contexts.

Active Listening: Enhancing Communication and Connection

This module provides an introduction to active listening and its role in enhancing communication and connection. Learners will explore the power of silence, open-ended questions, reflective listening, emotional intelligence, non-judgmental listening, body language, conflict resolution, and cross-cultural nuances in nonverbal communication. The module concludes with a comprehensive lesson overview and additional resources for further learning.

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