
Capstone: Connected Planning for Business Transformation


This capstone project, presented by Anaplan, guides learners in developing a rationale and roadmap for implementing Connected Planning within their organization. Through an in-depth analysis of the current state of planning, learners will identify areas where Connected Planning can deliver significant benefits and address organizational obstacles.

The course equips learners to advocate for Connected Planning, drive its adoption, and facilitate the transformation of their business. With a focus on practical application, learners will gain the skills needed to lead this critical initiative within their organization.

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Capstone: Connected Planning for Business Transformation
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Capstone Project: Connected Planning for Business Transformation guides learners in developing a rationale and roadmap for implementing Connected Planning within their organization, preparing them to advocate for, drive adoption of, and transform their business through Connected Planning.

Capstone Project: Connected Planning for Business Transformation

This capstone project provides learners with the opportunity to develop a comprehensive rationale and roadmap for implementing Connected Planning within their organization. By examining the current state of planning and identifying specific areas for improvement, learners will gain the skills and knowledge needed to drive meaningful change within their organization.

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