
Sensory Science: Conducting Tests

University of California, Davis

This course on Sensory Science: Conducting Tests is designed to equip learners with the knowledge and skills needed to conduct sensory evaluation experiments effectively. Through a series of modules, participants will gain insights into the sensory evaluation laboratory and best practices for testing and documentation.

The course covers two specific sensory tests: duo-trio discrimination and 3-product consumer testing. Participants will explore the influence of various factors, especially the testing environment, on sensory experiments, and analyze case studies to understand how these tests can address product challenges.

  • Learn to develop appropriate hypotheses and select products for sensory tests
  • Understand how to execute sensory tests, decode collected data, and interpret the results
  • Identify and select core and opportunity target groups of consumers

By the end of the course, participants will design and conduct their own sensory research experiment as a final project.

Certificate Available ✔

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Sensory Science: Conducting Tests
Course Modules

This course comprises modules covering Labs and Procedures, Discrimination Testing, Consumer Testing, and a Final Project. Participants will gain comprehensive knowledge in conducting and interpreting sensory tests.

Labs and Procedures

This module provides an introduction to the sensory evaluation laboratory and best practices for conducting tests and documentation. Participants will learn about testing guidelines, objectives, test design, panelists, sample serving procedures, preparation and presentation, the test area, sensory facilities, and more. The module also includes a quiz and learning goals to reinforce learning.

Discrimination Testing

Module 2 focuses on discrimination testing, including case studies and the step-by-step process of conducting this type of sensory test. Participants will learn to establish research objectives, choose test products, identify assessors, design the experiment, gather materials, set up the location, train staff, understand and analyze data, and report the results. This module also includes milestone instructions and discussions.

Consumer Testing

The Consumer Testing module covers formulating hypotheses, establishing research objectives, choosing test products, identifying target consumers, designing the experiment, gathering materials, setting up the location, training staff, developing recruitment screeners, conducting research, understanding and analyzing data, and reporting results. Like Module 2, this module includes milestone instructions and discussions.

Final Project

The Final Project module provides a project introduction, course summary, milestone instructions for the final assignment, and a self-reflection component. Participants will apply their learning to design and conduct their own sensory test as a research experiment.

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