
Peter Levene on Financial Risk Management

Peter Levene, chairman of Lloyd's of London, on financial risk management in light of the global economic crisis. This is part of the Dean's Speaker Series.

Course Lectures
  • Advent Software founder and CEO Stephanie DiMarco, BS 79, speaks on leadership lessons learned from taking her firm from a startup to a 1,000-employee global company.

  • Marketing guru and Haas Professor Emeritus David Aaker talks about his new book, Brand Relevance, as part of the David Aaker Distinguished Speaker Series. In this event at the University of California, Berkeley's Haas School of Business, Aaker describes a competitive strategy of developing innovative offerings that make competitors irrelevant.

  • Kal Patel, president of Best Buy Asia, speaks about sustainable growth in the Chinese market. Co-sponsored by the Center for Responsible Business and the Dean's Speaker Series, the event features a conversation between Patel and Aron Cramer, president and CEO of Business for Social Responsibility. They discuss the challenges of maintaining Best Buy's top corporate responsibility and sustainability standards while at the same time meeting meet the Chinese market's growing demands.

  • Peter Levene, chairman of Lloyd's of London, on financial risk management in light of the global economic crisis. This is part of the Dean's Speaker Series.

  • Donald R. Knauss, chairman and CEO of Clorox discusses leadership as part of the Dean's Speaker Series. Under his leadership, Clorox revenue has grown from $4.6 billion in four years. Clorox employs 8,300 people worldwide and markets products in more than 100 countries.

  • John Chambers, chairman and CEO of San Jose-based networking giant Cisco. The event is part of the Dean's Speaker Series, which invites distinguished leaders of businesses and other organizations to discuss leadership, management, and innovation with the Haas community.

  • Author Michael Lewis discusses his book The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine, the future of finance as he sees it, and his thoughts on whether today's business students have a chance at changing it. Part of the Dean's Speaker Series, co-sponsored by the Center for Responsible Business as part of its Peterson Series on Sustainable Finance.

  • Yves Behar, founder the design firm fuseproject, speaks on Design and Innovation in Business as part of the Dean's Speaker Series. fuseproject products, spanning the sectors of technology, furniture, fashion and sports, impact social change and sustainable design.