
Leadership and Capability

Fiorina explains that leadership is about three things: capability, collaboration and character. She stresses the importance of capability, which is about asking questions and listening to answers. It is also about celebrating new ideas and taking initiative to try new things. She insists that a continuous learning process is important to strengthen an entrepreneur's capability.

Course Lectures
  • Carly Fiorina, CEO of Hewlett Packard (1999-2005), talks about the importance of being able to distill enormous amounts of information. She explains how her experience in taking courses in Medieval History has helped her look at information selectively, a skill she has successfully applied in her corporate life.

  • Fiorina talks about the dynamics of change and fear.She notes that entrepreneurship is about risk-taking, and this is always associated with trying something new. Fiorina concludes by asserting that change involves gathering enough energy and force to overcome the power of status quo.

  • Fiorina provides an insightful distinction between leadership and management. She describes leadership as changing the order of things and management as the production of acceptable results within known constraints and conditions.

  • Fiorina explains that leadership is about three things: capability, collaboration and character. She stresses the importance of capability, which is about asking questions and listening to answers. It is also about celebrating new ideas and taking initiative to try new things. She insists that a continuous learning process is important to strengthen an entrepreneur's capability.

  • Carly Fiorina, former CEO of HP, talks about the importance of ethics. She emphasizes that defying ethics will reap only short-term solutions but never provides a long-term benefit to the organization. She insists that only collaborative efforts can help overcome fears and bring the best outcomes for an organization.

  • Carly Fiorina, former CEO of HP, describes simple guidelines to gauge ethics in an organization. She asks entrepreneurs to answer key questions about promotion and performance within the organization. The answers to these questions, she says, will reveal the organization's view towards ethics.