
Marrying Socially Responsible Investment to the Enterprise

Andrew Kassoy, co-founder of non-profit B Labs, says that $2.5 trillion organization thinks of itself as socially responsible business. His infrastructure organization seeks to bridge the companies that want to grow with those who control the flow of capital. He advocates that weaving the social mission into the legal backbone of a growing enterprise allows like-minded investors to put capital where their values lie.

Course Lectures
  • Andrew Kassoy, co-founder of non-profit B Labs, says that $2.5 trillion organization thinks of itself as socially responsible business. His infrastructure organization seeks to bridge the companies that want to grow with those who control the flow of capital. He advocates that weaving the social mission into the legal backbone of a growing enterprise allows like-minded investors to put capital where their values lie.

  • Marketing is not an event; it's a cumulative process, says Jay Coen Gilbert, one of the founders of non-profit B Labs.Building a brand happens first with the community you serve, giving your presence heft and volume more than the sum of its parts.For the start-up, the best PR efforts don't come from money, as larger market players will always outspend you.But compelling choices - such as a provocative TV ad or a magazine title - are potent tools toward owning both a message and a distribution channel.

  • The Choice to Co-Manage
    Jay Coen Gilbert

    Find people smarter than you, and hang on to them for dear life. This doesn't just apply to the talent you hire, but also to the people you work alongside to build and shape your emerging venture. Jay Coen Gilbert, Bart Houlahan, and Andrew Kassoy all co-manage B Labs on equal footing. Here, Coen Gilbert and Houlahan cite the decision to manage as a team essential to the operation's success.