
Accounting Analysis II: Accounting for Liabilities and Equity

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Accounting Analysis II: Accounting for Liabilities and Equity is a comprehensive exploration of advanced accounting concepts. This course, part of the Financial Reporting Specialization, equips learners with the skills to recognize, measure, and account for equity, pensions, share-based compensation, and cash flows using the FASB Accounting Standards Codification and other resources.

Students will gain a deep understanding of deferred taxes, equity transactions, share-based payments, earnings per share, accounting changes, and the statement of cash flows. Through engaging demonstrations and ample knowledge checks, participants will master the complexities of these accounting principles, preparing them for real-world application.

  • Advance your knowledge of deferred taxes, equity, and share-based compensation.
  • Understand the nuances of FASB standards and their practical implementation.
  • Enhance your financial reporting skills for comprehensive and accurate accounting.
  • Gain insights into accounting changes and the intricacies of the statement of cash flows.

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Accounting Analysis II: Accounting for Liabilities and Equity
Course Modules

This course comprises comprehensive modules covering advanced accounting topics such as deferred taxes, equity, share-based payments, earnings per share, accounting changes, and the statement of cash flows. Students will gain in-depth knowledge and practical skills in these areas, preparing them for real-world accounting scenarios.

Course Introduction

Course Introduction provides an overview and sets the stage for the subsequent modules. Students will understand the course structure and expectations, along with getting to know their instructor and classmates through engaging activities.

Module 1: Deferred Taxes Part 1

Module 1, Deferred Taxes Part 1, delves into permanent versus temporary differences, deferred tax liabilities and assets, valuation allowance, and the tax implications of these concepts. Students will solidify their understanding through knowledge checks and a comprehensive quiz.

Module 2: Deferred Taxes Part 2

Module 2, Deferred Taxes Part 2, expands on the topic of deferred taxes, covering multiple temporary differences, tax rate changes, net operating losses, and the differences between US GAAP and IFRS in tax reporting. Students will engage in various knowledge checks and a module quiz to reinforce their learning.

Module 3: Equity

Module 3, Equity, explores share issuances, repurchases, dividends, stock dividends, and the differences between equity reporting under US GAAP and IFRS. Students will deepen their understanding through knowledge checks and a comprehensive module quiz.

Module 4: Share-Based Payments

Module 4, Share-Based Payments, provides insights into various forms of share-based compensation, including restricted stock, stock options, graded vesting, forfeitures, and stock appreciation rights. Participants will compare share compensation reporting under US GAAP and IFRS, solidifying their knowledge through knowledge checks and a module quiz.

Module 5: Earnings Per Share

Module 5, Earnings Per Share, covers basic and diluted earnings per share, along with the methods for calculating diluted EPS and identifying antidilutive securities. Students will gain a comprehensive understanding through knowledge checks and a module quiz.

Module 6: Accounting Changes

Module 6, Accounting Changes, delves into accounting changes, including changes in estimates, accounting principles, error corrections, and the financial statement presentation of EPS. Participants will engage in knowledge checks and a module quiz to reinforce their learning.

Module 7: Statement of Cash Flows

Module 7, Statement of Cash Flows, explores the intricacies of the cash flow statement, including the direct and indirect methods for operating activities, along with investing, financing, and non-cash activities. Students will compare cash flow statement reporting under US GAAP and IFRS, solidifying their knowledge through knowledge checks and a module quiz.

Module 8: Course Evaluation

Module 8, Course Evaluation, offers learners the opportunity to reflect on their learning journey, complete the course, and provide feedback. This module sets the stage for a comprehensive wrap-up and obtaining the course certificate.

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