
I. Missões jesuíticas nos territórios guaranis: história

Universidade de São Paulo

Delve into the history of the Jesuit Missions in the Guarani territories, exploring their impact on Latin American identity. Learn about the key actors, social dynamics, and the relevance of this historical experience in various professional fields.

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I. Missões jesuíticas nos territórios guaranis: história
Course Modules

Immerse yourself in the history of the Jesuit Missions in the Guarani territories. Gain insights into the formation of the Missions and the conflicts and interactions between Jesuits and the Guarani people.

1. A proposta das Reduções: caracterização do espaço e atores envolvidos

Discover the proposal of the Reduções, characterizing the space and the involved actors. Engage with video lectures, readings, and quizzes to gain a comprehensive understanding of this historical context.

Jesuítas e Guaranis: Conflitos, ataques, êxodos e guerras nas Reduções

Explore the conflicts, attacks, exoduses, and wars involving Jesuits and the Guarani people in the Reduções. Delve into the historical dynamics through video lectures, readings, and quizzes.

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