
Lean Six Sigma

Tecnológico de Monterrey

Embark on a transformative journey with the Lean Six Sigma course by Tecnológico de Monterrey. Designed to hone problem-solving skills for complex, chronic, and unidentified process issues, this program offers a comprehensive understanding of Lean Six Sigma methodology and its practical application through project-based learning.

Through a blend of theoretical and hands-on learning, participants will master statistical tools and manufacturing techniques, enabling them to identify areas of improvement, measure economic impact, and implement problem-solving methodologies effectively.

  • Gain insights into the philosophy of Lean Six Sigma and detect value stream improvement opportunities.
  • Master the art of measuring the economic impact of improvement projects.
  • Learn to define and measure key performance indicators for a better understanding of the situation.
  • Explore techniques for deep process analysis and identifying critical points for improvement.
  • Understand statistical and Lean techniques to drive process improvement and control.

Upon completion, participants will emerge with the ability to detect areas of opportunity, generate steps for future state mapping, and define improvement projects. This course is ideal for professionals seeking to enhance their problem-solving and process optimization skills in pursuit of organizational excellence.

Certificate Available ✔

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Lean Six Sigma
Course Modules

This comprehensive Lean Six Sigma program comprises modules that cover essential aspects such as introduction to Lean Six Sigma, defining and measuring, analysis techniques, and improvement and control tools.

Introducción a Lean Six Sigma

Embark on the Lean Six Sigma journey with an introduction to the methodology, equipping participants with the foundational knowledge required to make meaningful contributions to process improvement initiatives. By the end of this module, participants will be capable of detecting value stream improvement opportunities, measuring economic impact, and understanding the problem-solving route through the LSS methodology.

Definición y Medición

Explore the significance of Value Stream Mapping and its role in identifying process inefficiencies and areas for competitive advantage. Learn to define the current state map, create steps for the future state map, and establish improvement projects, all aligned with Lean thinking.

Analizar e incrementar - Parte 1

Delve into the analysis phase, applying a range of statistical and Lean techniques to gain a deep understanding of processes and determine significant factors influencing performance. This module focuses on techniques to identify critical process points to drive improvement.

Incrementar - Parte 2 y Controlar

This module explores select tools from the Improvement and Control stages of the DMAIC methodology, offering a mix of quantitative and qualitative tools. Participants will learn to identify root causes using quantitative tools, control processes through statistical tools, and stabilize and manage processes using Lean tools.

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