
English for Common Interactions in the Workplace: Basic Level

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Enhance your workplace communication skills with the "English for Common Interactions in the Workplace: Basic Level" course. This online course, offered by Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, equips learners with the linguistic tools necessary for basic workplace interactions in English. Through self-guided instruction, students can expand their lexical and grammatical repertoire at their own pace while balancing professional commitments. The course is designed for global accessibility, offering convenience to learners worldwide.

  • Learn to describe professions and daily workplace activities.
  • Develop skills for making and answering phone calls in a professional context.
  • Acquire the ability to make arrangements for workplace meetings.
  • Master the language for discussing past work events and post-meeting etiquette.

With a focus on practical workplace scenarios, this course is suitable for individuals aiming to enhance their professional value and linguistic competence. By completing this course, you will be better equipped to navigate English-language interactions in various workplace settings, contributing to both your professional and social mobility.

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English for Common Interactions in the Workplace: Basic Level
Course Modules

This course comprises four modules that cover everyday workplace language, making phone calls, preparing for meetings, and post-meeting etiquette, equipping learners with essential English skills for workplace interactions.

Welcome to “English for Common Interactions in the Workplace"

Welcome to the "English for Common Interactions in the Workplace: Basic Level" course, designed to enhance your English language skills for workplace communication. Through self-guided instruction, this module equips learners with the linguistic tools necessary for basic workplace interactions in English, contributing to professional and social mobility. With a focus on practical workplace scenarios, this module is suitable for individuals aiming to enhance their professional value and linguistic competence.

Module 1: Everyday Language on the Job

Module 1: Everyday Language on the Job

This module focuses on everyday language used in workplace settings. It covers topics such as introducing oneself, describing a typical workday, and comprehension strategies for workplace-related reading. Learners will also be tested on their understanding of the module's content.

Module 2: Making Phone Calls

Module 2: Making Phone Calls

Module 2 delves into the language and skills required for making and answering phone calls in a professional context. It includes lessons on useful language for phone calls, making suggestions, and comprehension strategies for listening. Learners will be assessed through a module test.

Module 3: Preparing for meeting

Module 3: Preparing for Meeting

This module prepares learners for workplace meetings, covering topics such as making plans for the future, asking for and giving directions, and comprehension strategies for listening. The module test assesses learners' understanding and readiness for workplace interactions.

Module 4: Post-meeting etiquette

Module 4: Post-meeting Etiquette

The final module focuses on post-meeting etiquette and discussing past work events. It includes lessons on talking about past work events, descriptive adjectives, and comprehension strategies for reading. The final exam evaluates learners' overall comprehension and application of workplace English language skills.

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