
Business intelligence and data analytics: Generate insights

Macquarie University

Embark on a transformative journey with Macquarie University's Business Intelligence and Data Analytics course. Explore the impact of ‘megatrends’ on organizations and societies, equipping yourself with analytical tools to decipher challenges and opportunities. Delve into sustainability-oriented innovation, data value chain, and insights generation, enhancing your proficiency in systems thinking and multidisciplinary methods for envisioning futures. Through comprehensive modules, master basic statistics, normal distribution, data visualization, advanced charts, dashboards, and demand forecasting. Future-proof your skills with an emphasis on teamwork, collaboration, and ethical decision-making frameworks. Join this course to harness the power of data and generate strategic insights that drive success in a rapidly evolving landscape.

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Business intelligence and data analytics: Generate insights
Course Modules

Immerse yourself in a comprehensive learning journey with modules covering insight generation basics, statistical foundations, normal distribution, data visualization, advanced charts and dashboards, and demand forecasting. Gain expertise in essential analytical skills and tools.

Basics of insight generation

Gain a solid foundation in insight generation, understanding the importance of data in the information age, the data value chain, tools for generating insights, and available job roles in the data insights market. Explore further resources and engage in practice tasks and quizzes to reinforce your learning.

Basic statistics: Foundations of quantitative insights

Master basic statistics and quantitative insights by delving into variables, measures of central tendency, and dispersion. Engage in practice tasks and quizzes to reinforce your understanding of fundamental statistical concepts.

The normal distribution and histograms

Explore the normal distribution, histograms, the empirical rule, and covariance and correlation to enhance your understanding of statistical concepts. Avail further resources and participate in practice tasks and quizzes to solidify your knowledge.

Data visualisation

Dive into data visualization, including Anscombe’s Quartet, data cleaning using SAS Data Studio, and bar and pie charts. Reinforce your understanding through practice tasks and quizzes, and explore further resources to expand your knowledge in data visualization.

Advanced charts and dashboards

Advance your knowledge with multi-variation correlation matrix, bar and line charts, SAS Visual Analytics filtering and controls, KPIs, targeted bar charts, and dashboard theory. Engage in practice tasks and quizzes to reinforce your learning and explore further resources for in-depth understanding.

Demand forecasting

Delve into demand forecasting with linear regression analysis, forecasting, and smoothing methods. Participate in practice tasks and quizzes to strengthen your understanding and explore further resources for comprehensive knowledge of demand forecasting techniques.

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