
Advanced Hydrology

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

This course has been designed to present the principles of advanced hydrology at a postgraduate level. At the end of the course, a serious student is expected have a thorough understanding of the fundamental mechanisms of various components of hydrologic cycle e.g. atmospheric water, rainfall, infiltration, evaporation, surface flow, sub-surface flow, groundwater flow, and hydrograph analysis;
And learnt the statistical techniques such as statistical properties of a PDF, probability distributions employed in hydrology, fitting probability distributions, testing goodness of fit, frequency analysis, and reliability analysis.

Hydrologic cycle, systems concept, hydrologic model classification;
Reynold's Transport Theorem, continuity equation, momentum equation, and energy equation;
Atmospheric hydrology; Hydrologic processes, precipitation, evaporation, surface flow, sub-surface flow, and groundwater flow;
Unit hydrograph, various response functions and their interrelationships; Hydrologic statistics, statistical parameters, fitting a probability distribution, testing goodness of fit, frequency analysis, and reliability analysis.

Course Lectures