
Branding and Customer Experience

IE Business School

Branding and Customer Experience is a dynamic exploration of the synergies between branding and customer experience. This course equips students with a comprehensive framework to understand the operational implications of branding projects within the context of customer experience.

The course delves into the convergence of branding and customer experience, utilizing a framework adapted from Customer Journey Mapping. Through a series of modules, students gain insights into aligning brand strategy with customer journeys, as well as the impact of branding on various touchpoints.

Furthermore, the course explores the relationship between customer experience and employee experience, outsourcing, and ethics, offering valuable perspectives on aligning brand and customer experience across all touchpoints. The capstone project provides a hands-on opportunity for students to apply their learning and design a customer-experience transformation.

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Branding and Customer Experience
Course Modules

Branding and Customer Experience course modules provide a comprehensive exploration of branding and customer experience, covering topics such as CX definition, brand guidelines, aligning brand and customer experience, and the relationship with employee experience, outsourcing, and ethics.

Converging on a Common Definition for CX

The course introduces the convergence of branding and customer experience, providing a common definition for CX and exploring the variations of Customer Journey Mapping.

Customer Journeys as the Lens for Brand Experience

Module 2 delves into the lens of brand experience through customer journeys, aligning brand strategy, and evaluating the contribution of branding to CX. Students gain insights into brand guidelines and the reality of brand guidelines.

Aligning Brand and Customer Experience across all touch points

This module focuses on aligning brand and customer experience across all touchpoints, addressing the impact of brand messaging, user experience, and customer service on the brand. It also explores the relationship between branding projects and product teams.

CX relationship with Employee Experience, Outsourcing and Ethics

Module 4 examines the CX relationship with employee experience, outsourcing, and ethics, discussing the value proposition canvas, employee experience, and the risks and ethics associated with customer data and outsourcing.


The capstone project provides a hands-on opportunity for students to apply their learning and design a customer-experience transformation, culminating in the conclusion of the Branding and Customer Experience specialization.

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