
Analyze Data to Answer Questions


This course, the fifth in the Google Data Analytics Certificate, focuses on equipping learners with essential skills for introductory-level data analyst roles. Through a series of comprehensive modules, students will explore the "analyze" phase of the data analysis process and gain proficiency in organizing, formatting, and aggregating data as well as performing data calculations.

  • Learn how to organize data for analysis and discuss the importance of organizing data before analysis with references to sorts and filters.
  • Discover the processes for formatting and adjusting data and apply the use of functions and syntax to create SQL queries for combining data from multiple database tables.
  • Gain an understanding of how to aggregate data in spreadsheets and by using SQL, and learn how to perform complex calculations on data to complete business objectives.
  • Explore the use of formulas, functions, and SQL queries as you conduct your analysis and complete calculations using SQL queries.

Upon completion of this course, learners will be well-prepared to apply for introductory-level jobs as data analysts, even with no previous experience. The course's hands-on approach, coupled with guidance from current Google data analysts, ensures that students are equipped with practical skills and best tools and resources for common data analyst tasks.

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Analyze Data to Answer Questions
Course Modules

This course consists of comprehensive modules that cover organizing data, formatting and adjusting data, aggregating data for analysis, and performing data calculations. Students will learn essential skills for analyzing and making sense of data using spreadsheets and SQL.

Organizing data to begin analysis

This module focuses on organizing data to begin analysis. Students will gain an understanding of the importance of organizing data before analysis and learn about sorts, filters, and sorting in spreadsheets and SQL. They will also have hands-on activities to apply their knowledge and test their understanding through module challenges.

Formatting and adjusting data

The formatting and adjusting data module guides students through the process of formatting and adjusting data, including converting data in spreadsheets, transforming data in SQL, and combining multiple pieces of data. They will also learn about conditional formatting, manipulating strings, and advanced spreadsheet tips and tricks.

Aggregating data for analysis

In this module, students will learn about aggregating data for analysis, including preparing for VLOOKUP, using JOINs effectively, and understanding COUNT and COUNT DISTINCT. They will also gain proficiency in using VLOOKUP, queries for JOINS, and subqueries to aggregate data. Hands-on activities and module challenges will reinforce their learning.

Performing data calculations

The performing data calculations module covers common calculation formulas, functions and conditions, working with pivot tables, and embedding simple calculations in SQL. Students will also explore elements of a pivot table, data validation, and working with temporary tables. Hands-on activities and tests will solidify their understanding.

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