
Build a Database from a Relational Model

Coursera Project Network

In this course, you will delve into the process of building a database from a relational model. Understanding the components of a relational data model is crucial, as it forms the foundation for converting the model into a functional database. Throughout the course, you will learn how to interpret a relational model diagram and construct database tables based on this model. The importance of testing a relational database design will be emphasized, ensuring that you can validate the effectiveness of the database structure.

The journey begins with requirements analysis, where you will determine the intended users of the database and how it will be utilized. This detailed analysis will be documented in an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD), capturing the entities, their attributes, and the relationships between them. The ERD serves as the logical design, which will then be transformed into the Relational Model, acting as the blueprint for the actual database creation in a database management system.

By the end of the course, you will have utilized the Relational Model as a guide to create a database using SQLiteStudio. Additionally, you will have developed test data and queries to verify the database design represented by the Relational Model.

  • Interpret a Relational Model diagram.
  • Construct database tables from a Relational Model.
  • Test a relational database design.

Certificate Available ✔

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Build a Database from a Relational Model
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