
Engineering and Product Design Processes

Arizona State University

Welcome to “Engineering and Product Design Processes!” This course offered by Arizona State University provides a comprehensive understanding of engineering and product design processes.

Throughout this course, you will learn about the steps involved in both engineering and product design processes, as well as the main goals and differences between the two. You will delve into visual tools, engineering drawings, prototypes, and user feedback in the design process. By the end of the course, you will be equipped with the knowledge to analyze and distinguish the steps in both design processes.

  • Gain insight into the engineering and product design processes
  • Understand the steps, goals, and differences between the two design processes
  • Explore visual tools, engineering drawings, prototypes, and user feedback
  • Analyze and distinguish the steps in both design processes

Certificate Available ✔

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Engineering and Product Design Processes
Course Modules

Dive into the course modules and gain insight into the engineering and product design processes, visual tools, engineering drawings, prototypes, and user feedback. Analyze and distinguish the steps in both design processes to enhance your understanding of design practices and tools used in the industry.

Course Introduction

This module provides a comprehensive overview of the course. You will be introduced to the key concepts and objectives of the “Engineering and Product Design Processes” course.

Introduction to Design Process

Explore the fundamentals of the design process, including an introduction to engineering design, empathizing, developments in design practice, and an assignment to test your understanding. Quiz 1 will assess your knowledge.

Design Process II

Delve further into the design process with a focus on visual tools, visual thinking, engineering drawings, geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T), prototypes, mockups, and user feedback. Quiz 2 will evaluate your comprehension of the module.

Product Design Process

Discover the product design process and gain insights into its unique aspects and applications within the industry.

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