Free Online Test Preparation Courses

17 Test Preparation Courses

SAT Preparation

Khan Academy

I am going to work through every problem in the College Board "Official SAT Study Guide." You should take the practice tests on your own, grade them and...

SAT Writing Primer


This course contains a comprehensive collection of videos that covers all aspects of the writing section of the SAT. This includes the essay, improving sentences,...

Verbal Critical Reasoning


Grockit's GMAT TV course is taught by Grockit Founder Farbood Nivi and covers the entire GMAT curriculum over 16 hours of instruction. Each lesson includes the...

Verbal Reading Comprehension


Grockit's GMAT TV course is taught by Grockit Founder Farbood Nivi and covers the entire GMAT curriculum over 16 hours of instruction. Each lesson includes the...

Verbal Sentence Correction


Grockit's GMAT TV course is taught by Grockit Founder Farbood Nivi and covers the entire GMAT curriculum over 16 hours of instruction. Each lesson includes the...